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Saturday, December 29, 2007 x 11:58 PM

Video on the BBQ!

Will upload more within these few days

( dunno why there's a 2nd screen, anyone who knows how to get rid of it pls let me know )

Monday, December 24, 2007 x 6:45 AM

South Bridge Branch BBQ at Changi Safra Resort ( 15/12/2007 )

The very first outing with my branch colleagues this year. My manager ( Esther ) successfully balloted for the 3D2N chalet at Changi with just $50 !! Cheap right, haha..only UOB staff entitled to this.

Initially the plan was to go early around 1pm for a swim & some tanning as the sea as it's just a stone throw away from the chalet. However it was raining very heavily in the afternoon, bo bian, have to go later which is around 4pm liao. Didn't eat the whole day since i woke up, hoho, saving space for all the good food later!

Met Zhenrong, winnie and bump into Christopher at Tanah Merah Mrt. There's a shuttle bus available but it's at 30 mins interval, so the waiting time is a bit long. We are still the early birds as no one else was there except for boss and her family. So no choice, the task of starting the fire was given to us.

We started for a while and luckily yvonne's yeo ( YY ) son ( a former scout ) came and chiong to start the fire. He's damn enthu to start the fire la, so needless to say i gladly give him that job.

Most of us reach around 6pm and some bring along their own speciality to let us try. Jane's fried rice, Ai Hwei's doughnuts, YY's cupcakes , boss's curry, veron's salad. Lots of good food for the day.

*Something to think about. Many people separate colleagues and friends in a very clear line. In the past i often think of such outings redundant as we see each other almost everyday during work. But honestly under such different environment ( such as BBQ ) where everyone is just there to enjoy & leave the work behind, people are able to get to know each other easily, better and ulitmately understand one another.*

Back to the BBQ, small drizzle came about & we deployed a canvas to shield the bbq pit from the rain. Luckily someone bought the canvas along , thank you so much!

Well, i shall let the pics tell the rest of the day.

Our food!

Boss giving orders again, ahha

Alvin ( left ) and Yvonne yeo's son , look alike right??

Zhenrong with his act cute pose

Ai Hwei's bbqing the satay!

Zhenrong and Anders

Yvonne Sng

I think they are all watching the korean drama on TV

Ai Hwei's girl Janice ( top left ) and her nephew

Jessilyn in pink

We even have MJ table!

Yvonne Yeo and Ai Nah!

( from left ) Man Fung, Anders and Cecilia

Wednesday, December 19, 2007 x 3:45 PM

Angry with my internet connection tonight.

First of all every loading is taking so much time that i wan to fall asleep. If not it can't load the 2nd page afterwards.

Before you all comment my internet connection sucks and recommend me to change to another one, listen to this first. My internet conenction is share by 3 blardy coms in the house. 1 of them mine and the other 2 belong to my bro and his wife. How good can the internet connection be if there are 3 coms logging in at the same time!!!!! Feel like subscribing to starhub broadband use it totally by myself. Any recommendations pls let me know!!

To be honest, i dun really like her staying together with me. She doesn't know how to do any household chores, my mum need to take care of her and she doesn't contribute to the family in any way. Somemore she's a CHINA GAL!!! ( no offense to all the others but she really spoilt my image of u all already )

Every night they will make a lot of noise ( mind you it's not those obscene type) I'm talking about just a normal conversion. I dun really understand why the she likes to talk so loudly.
It's not like my bro is deaf and i'm sure other people would not want to know what is the content as well, so pls do not broadcast to the whole world.

Initially i thought once my bro got married then he will buy a new flat and move out asap. In the end the asap took around 1 yr. Crap lor, from young i do not have a room to my own and up till now i still have to wait. Heard he got a flat at yio chu kang and hopefully can move out at early march next yr.

Right now i just have to make do with watever i can at home, no privacy space and sometimes slp in my mum's room or living room. I'm like a refugee in my own house!!!!!

I better upload this post before the internet connection get cut off!

Monday, December 10, 2007 x 2:23 PM

My bedroom is over there!

Thursday, December 6, 2007 x 3:25 PM

I hate you China Fishery!!!

Executed a trade that pissed me off to the max. Luck was really not on my side at that moment.

Moreoever Murphy's law smacked me right on my face this morning with problems in all directions.

*Murphy's law is an adage in Western culture that broadly states that things will go wrong in any given situation, if you give them a chance*

Dun think i will have a good night slp tonight!!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007 x 3:34 PM

My AM ( assistant manager ) is on leave today, so basically I would need to cover some of her work. Everything should be fine since there were still 5 of us ( Jessilyn, Anders, Ai Nah, Boss & me ) around to distribute the workload. However another colleague had taken a 1/2 day off in the afternoon & therefore we were down to only 4 people.

The madness started to surface around 1230pm which was the lunch time for customers ( the queue will start to build up from this time ) as well as my colleagues. So with 2 people out for lunch, there's only 2 person in the backroom!

I can't even warm up my seats for 5 mins as I had to walk out to attend to customers & attend to my tellers in the front. It was madness for that period of time between 1230pm to 130pm. Insufficient manpower is definately a big problem for me today.

Manage to clear some of my KIV stuff & other customer issues pending. Glad the KIV file is getting thinner as the time goes by. At least something was done at the end of the day. It's a sense of achievement & satisfactory which i would like to experience everyday.

Friday is getting nearer by the minute & there's a branch meeting regarding the survey which everyone has taken last mth. It's about how you feel about your work and the environment.
Obviously the results was not very ideal and that will be the main itinerary for the meeting.
Let's hope something good will come out from the meeting to improve out working environment and sentiments about the bank.

Hopefully it doesn't end to late as it's a FRIDAY NIGHT ( TGIF )

Sunday, December 2, 2007 x 2:22 PM

MJ session on Friday night

Received a call from shane asking whether want to play MJ at yudan's house after work. Looking at the time, about 415pm. 2 more hrs then i'll be off work. Don't want to reply him first as i'm still deciding between the pros and cons.

1) Super tired after work already
2) Going back home late = high chance paying $20 cab fare ( midnight charge )
3) Need to end up waiting for Danny as he's usually late

1) Winning streak at the MJ session to cover my cab fare

So I ended up washing the MJ tiles at around 9pm. Late timing to start due to some delaying. Somehow i prefer to sit around with friends and chill out over a cup of coffee instead.

Yudan have 2 cats, Moses and Mocca. I love animals, but can't keep them as my mum will not hesitate to slaughter them if i bring them into the house. She can't stand the mess they create & the hair/fur dropping off from them.

Oh ya, forgot the mention the attendance for the day. Danny, shane, xiaohui ( danny's gf ) , yudan of course and me. First few rounds at the losing streak, luckily manage to reduced losses at the last few rounds. Heng ah, if not it will be 2 things to bring back home. Tiredness and few bucks less.

Actually i wanted to go back around 1030pm so that i can catch the last bus at Toa payoh but since danny offer to give me a lift back, so i guess i shall stay on to finish the game. If not i'll just get Xiaohui to take over me to continue the game.


Just to let everyone know he ended up slping at the " Xi Feng". Wah kaoz. Jio me there liao then dare to slp without finishing the game. Lucky Xiaohui was there if not i'll throw Moses on ur face and let him scratch you till you are awaken from the pain.

Danny and Xiaohui , thanks for the ride & enjoy ur Standard Chartered Run tomo!!